Key drivers of our business

  • Comprehensive knowledge of local markets
    Aigis implements a proactive methodology for its market analyses and the identification of real estate investment opportunities with a priority put on sourcing deals mostly on an off-market basis.
  • Environmental and societal awareness
    Our commitment to take up sustainable development challenges and to embrace corporate social responsibility in designing real estate investment strategies and providing services to our clients is highlighted by our past accomplishments in redeveloping and refurbishing properties with several green labels and providing services and amenities to office users to contribute to their wellbeing.
    To illustrate their commitment to responsible investment, Aigis and its managers support the real estate company Terre de Liens ( This real estate company invests in agricultural lands to lease them on preferred terms to farmers involved with biologic agriculture.
  • Innovation
    We design innovative architectural, technical and financial solutions to provide a competitive edge to our operations. In our projects, we take into account urban regeneration issues to contribute to a long term more profitable economic balance.